Chinese Wedding Gown Rentals
Chinese Traditional Wedding Gown (Kwa) is the formal wedding attire for the bride on the wedding day. As most Chinese view marriage as the most important in their lives, the bride’s outfit plays a significant part in a wedding. Not only will the bride wear the Chinese gown, female family members from the bride’s family and groom’s family will also wear Chinese Gown as it symbolizes prosperity, happiness and auspicious fortune. Profession advice is most important for any bride to choose the correct and most suitable Chinese gown.
Chinese Wedding Gifts
Presentation of Betrothal Gifts, Sending Dowry, Installation of new bed, Hair Dressing Ritual, Tea Ceremony of the Wedding Day Services, and Home Coming Ritual are the six rituals. For simplicity, the procedures and necessities of the rituals have been re-organized, nonetheless, the essential spirit of Chinese wedding still remains. Items needed for the six rituals are as follow:
1. Presentation of Betrothal Gifts
Groom’s Family Betrothal Gifts | Bride’s Family Return Gifts |
2. Send Dowry
3. Installation of New Bed
4. Hair Dressing Ritual
5. Tea Ceremony on the Wedding Date
6. Home Coming Ritual
By appointment
Translated by : Francis Wong Lok Huai